Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher

“The medium is the message.”

I’m pretty sure most of us have very similar outlines for this assignment because we were all present during the interview with Roy Christopher and Dr. Preston’s colleagues. Anyway, along with the major plot of the interview:

v Balancing between digital and analog technology

§   People struggles to have a balance between digital and analog tech

§  “it’s a weird, weird complex mixture of both

v Reason for self-publishing books?

§ Stated that no one is interested in interview books with a bunch of questions and answers

§ Decided to do it himself due to personal excitement and “wanted it to be around”

v Surprised by a quick response of the book?

§ (jokes) ‘I was actually surprised how late the response was!’

§ The sales of the book has increased from last year to this year

v Any plans for the next 5 to 10 years?

§ Finish the current book he’s writing

§ Start/complete another book by the following summer

v Difference between older and newer generation

§ Older generation tend to be more conservative

§ Newer generation wants to acknowledge the older generation that they (we) know how to handle technology and we are capable of learning new things

§ “traditional” thinking for older generation

v Multitasking normal?

§ Quality of work changes when attention is divided

§ Mr. Ted Newcomb (thank you T.Hudgins.) explained when he’s discussing matter with his grandchildren; they seem to be “half-listening”, with some sort of gadgets in their hands, typing away.

§ Multitasking is generally inefficient to any degree

§ Hard to stay focused when distractions are everywhere

§ “Is anybody really multitasking?”

o What makes us so sure we are?

o Is it impossible to focus on two things at once?

v People can either ignore or adjust to changes